Let’s make you stand out from the crowd.

The thing I find most enjoyable about shooting out on the city streets is the sheer infinity of locations, backgrounds, opportunities and inspiration we can find. Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling… each has their own architecture, character, colours and vibe. There are so many ways to create depth, drama, scale, and even the opposite. Cities don’t have to be busy and chaotic - Intimate, quiet spaces are just as easy to find too.

Every shoot on the city streets is unique. We’d typically spend a few hours wandering and stop off in half a dozen or so locations giving the opportunity for a range of looks and styles for your images.

I call these shoots my
Urban Portrait packages.

Be a little less ordinary.

Every shoot is different. Every client is unique. So why go with a boring white background?

There’s no shopping
mall portraits here.

There are no fixed formulas. No standard poses on a boring white background. No box of stupid props, and no fake laughter. Dad jokes, yes. But the laughter will be authentic.

Your shoot is about you. It’s not about a formulaic process geared towards upselling you a framed 8x10, and a coffee table album. Though, if you want physical prints or products, those are absolutely all available.

Personal branding is everything.

Whether you need images for your social media account - casual, relaxed and fun - or something a little more professional for LinkedIn - we will work together to get the images that work for you.

I work with both private and professional clients on these types of shoots, there are slightly different rates depending on if you are using images for your business/marketing or simply personal uses. I’ve worked with all kinds of professionals to create images for their brand and business - from influencers, life coaches, personal trainers, lawyers and even a chef or two.

But regardless of who you are, or what you do, I’ll make sure you see yourself in a different light. (see what I did there?)

Personal branding image taken on location outside Glasgow for an award-winning singer/songwriter.

Make it
happen now.

Online booking is available now! Or just get in touch to discuss an idea, location or theme. I’m always here to discuss your ideas and help guide you in the process of getting the branding and imagery you need - and happy to have a free no-obiligation consultation call, or chat over a coffee.

Personal branding image shot on location in Glasgow for a trainer/coach.